Girl and boy playing game during sports crew training

Sports Crew training

A three hour central training session for pupils in Year 5 & 6 to develop leadership, resilience, character and confidence. This will lead to them becoming Sports Crew ambassadors within their school.  

  • Recognise the skills and qualities of a good leader
  • Understand the need to work as a team when completing group activities
  • Understand and follow the Mr.NEDD principle
  • Learn and deliver PhysiFungames to build knowledge of worthwhile activity
  • Reflect on learning through practical application and peer feedback

How to deploy your Sports Crew at school

  1. Plan and lead activities in the playground to engage all – values festivals, personal challenges
  2. Progress skills through responsibility, such as setting up equipment for clubs, PE lessons and assist delivery where appropriate
  3. Pupil voice responsibilities – find out what their peers would like to take part in
  4. Raise the profile of PE and school sport across the school – assemblies, newsletter articles

Cost for 12 leaders £195 for Active School members / £235 for non-members.