Staff helping children learn games

First Steps to Leadership Training

A two hour training session at your school, for 10 aspiring leaders in year 2.  First Step leaders will learn in a practical environment, where they will be taught what makes a good leader and how to make sure everyone is taking part in the activities whilst having fun. They will:

  • Explore the skills and qualities of a good sports leader
  • Learn why teamwork is important and how to ensure everyone is engaged and having fun
  • Explore the importance of warming up the body and the mind ready for physical activity
  • Understand ways to improve activities by using the Mr NEDD principle (name, explain, demonstrate, deliver)
  • Lead a PhysiFUN game for the rest of the group
  • Find out the 3 challenges set, all to be completed at school using their newly learnt leadership skills

How to deploy your First Step leaders in school

  1. Co - deliver playground PhysiFUN games for pupils (assisted by support staff)
  2. Collect and return equipment from PE cupboard for games and PE lessons
  3. Pupil voice responsibilities – find out what their peers would like to take part in
  4. Raise the profile of PE and School Sport across the whole school e.g. role modelling, assemblies, newsletter articles etc..

Cost for up to 10 leaders: £215 for Active Schools members / £260 for non-members