Accreditations & Recognition for PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA)

Accreditations & Recognition for PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA)

Active Surrey can support all schools to achieve accreditations (across all Key Stages) that promote the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of pupils. Schemes include self-evaluation of PE, school sport and physical activity provision which provide clear action plans to demonstrate progression and impact. 

star mark logo

Star Mark

Star Mark is an accreditation scheme for Key Stage 1 schools that helps them improve and gain recognition for their achievements in PE, school sport and physical activity.

Renewed retrospectively each year, the scheme is similar to the KS2 School Games Mark. It's best used as a tool to enhance daily activity provision and can form part of a whole-school improvement plan. It can be used to showcase your commitment to pupil wellbeing in promotional material.

The application window for entries which demonstrate your school's performance over 2023-24 will open on 1 May 2024 and closes on Friday 30 July 2024, with entries submitted via the Star Mark application link. Ahead of your submission you can capture your performance as it happens now, using Word versions of the documentation: Application Form and Supporting Documents.

The initial cost is £145 for Active School Members (£185 for non-members), with renewal charges for subsequent years currently £85 (non-members £105).

School Games Mark (KS2–5)

School Games Mark (KS2–5)

The School Games Mark is designed for all schools in Key Stages 2 to 5. Its purpose is to reward and recognise engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games programme against a national benchmark, as well as to celebrate keeping young people active

It's a useful development tool which reflects the impact that physical activity has on your pupils – particularly those who need it most.   

The tool is easy to use and will help you make informed decisions about your provision. It can also enable your Active Schools Officer to better understand the support you might need.

A progressive award

The refreshed Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels enable you to benchmark your provision for 2022/23 and identify any areas for improvement. You’ll demonstrate how your school has;

  1. Maintained and grown engagement in the School Games and helped in the delivery of 60 active minutes for every child
  2. Ensured physical activity and competition (if relevant) has a clear intent and is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of your pupils
  3. Focused on particular transition points for pupils joining and leaving your school (Yr.3 and Yr.7/8, as well as those in three tier systems)
  4. Created positive experiences that support the character development of your young people
  5. Shown how your School Games programme has made a meaningful difference to the lives of your pupils, including engaging and educating parents

How to apply

Your school can apply using the dashboard at for the academic year 2023-24 in May 2024. 

To help you review your provision before applying please use the School Games Mark 2022/23 criteria.

For more information visit the Your School Games website. You can also email us at

Surrey Healthy Schools

Surrey Healthy Schools

Surrey Healthy Schools works across the Local Authority and takes a whole system approach towards the positive promotion of wellbeing, mental & physical health and achievement. It applies evidence and research to a range of themes and standards in order to assist schools in self-evaluating their practice.

Surrey Healthy Schools aims to empower schools (maintained, academy and independent schools that support infant, junior and secondary aged pupils) to identify strengths and areas for development. It provides opportunities for training and effective communication from across the Local Authority and wider. The Surrey Healthy Schools Self-Evaluation Tool has been developed to assist schools in implementing, identifying and developing effective practice.

The Surrey Healthy Schools approach applies evidenced based practice promoting positive physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing, and identifies 5 key themes:

  1. Whole School Approach towards the Promotion of Positive Health and Wellbeing
  2. Personal, Health, Social, Economics, Education (PSHE) Curriculum (including health and wellbeing, relationships, sex, drug, staying safe and financial capability education)
  3. Healthy eating (including cooking and health eating in the curriculum, food provision - school meals, packed lunches, pre and post school club food provision and cooking clubs)
  4. Physical activity (including physical education and school sport - PESSPA)
  5. Emotional wellbeing and mental health

You can find more comprehensive information on how to develop a Surrey Healthy Schools approach on the Healthy Surrey website.